Seven Summer by Paige Toon

I want to thank Paige Toon, PENGUIN GROUP Putnam, and NetGalley for providing us this book in exchange for an honest review.

Review by Christin

5 Stars!!!!

Holy heck! Paige Toon sure does know how to write emotionally charged romance novels! I absolutely devoured her latest novel Seven Summers, and I truly did not want this book to end!

Seven Summers centers around Liv Arterton as she moves back to her hometown of St. Agnes, a Cornish beach town. Having just finished a sculpting course in Italy, Liv is looking forward to spending the summer with her family. What Liv doesn’t count on, is to meet and fall for Finn, a musician who is in town for just six weeks. It was at this point that I was “all in” and found this book unputdownable!

What a journey Paige Toon just took me on! This novel time hops between the past and present and spans 7 years which ultimately creates a full and complete storyline. There are so well-placed twists and turns that I definitely did not see coming—love that! There are so many emotions running through this book and I found myself tearing up (both sad and happy tears). Paige Toon is an author that’s an automatic 1-click for me, and I am so excited to see what she comes out with next!

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